Call for CyBOK Industry Champions
Published: 26 May 2022, 2:30 p.m.
The Cyber Security Body of Knowledge (CyBOK) project was established to ensure that cyber security professionals have a common foundation for this emerging discipline in a similar manner to related fields such as computer science or software engineering. The CyBOK project has been codifying the foundational and generally recognised knowledge in the expanding area of cyber security following a broad community engagement within the UK and internationally. The overarching aim is to embed CyBOK in the psyche of the cyber security workforce by encouraging familiarisation and practical usage by government, academia and industry.
Industry Champions
Since the release of CyBOK v1.0 in October 2019 and an updated v1.1 in August 2021, now with 21
Knowledge Areas, more and more practitioners are engaging with CyBOK. In order to support
industry awareness and take-up of CyBOK, we are seeking individuals to take on the role of Industry
Key elements of the role / Person description
Industry champions are passionate individuals with a strong understanding of CyBOK, who will:
- Inspire the community to use CyBOK and/or to get more involved with CyBOK
- Speak at relevant events, and share their experiences of CyBOK
- Influence and engage the cyber security community at all levels and encourage participation
- Have the ability to present their experience and knowledge with a positive energy and to be an ambassador for CyBOK
- Understand the community (or specific part of the community) to be able to make the best approaches, and foster these relationships
- Create specific resources to support the championing of CyBOK
- Use their initiative to develop and plan their approach
- Collaborate with the UK Cyber Security Council as well as CyBOK where appropriate
- Maintain contact with the CyBOK team and present ideas for discussion
- Commit time to the role
The key goal of the role is to improve familiarisation and use of CyBOK within industry. Industry Champions will propose success indicators for agreement by the CyBOK team, and will then be measured against these.
Funding is available to support this work to 31 July 2023. The maximum funding for the role is £7.5k (inclusive of VAT if applicable) per person, subject to the delivery of outcomes. It is anticipated that two Industry Champions will be appointed, but depending on the quality of proposals and availability of funding, more may be appointed.
How to apply
Applicants should provide a CV (no more than two sides of A4) and a short statement (no more than two sides of A4) of how they propose to act as an Industry Champion for CyBOK. This should include (but is not limited to):
- Which communities are to be targeted
- Which resources are to be built
- What activities are to be undertaken
- How success would be measured
- Proposed touch points with the CyBOK team
- An indication of the time available to commit to the role
Closing date for applications: 8 July 2022.