Funding awarded for mini-projects to develop resources around CyBOK 1.0

Funding awarded for mini-projects to develop resources around CyBOK 1.0

Published: 1 Mar 2021, 3:50 p.m.

In December 2020, CyBOK ran a call for proposals from the cyber security community to further contribute to the resources built in CyBOK 1.0 through funded mini-projects. We had an excellent response with over 30 proposals received, and we’ve been delighted to be able to fund the following 8 proposals:

Case Studies in support of CyBOK 1.0 Selected Topics Nancy Mead SEI Fellow, Carnegie Mellon University (ret.)
Development of redistributable laboratory materials for GSM Denis Nicole University of Southampton
Development of redistributable laboratory materials for wireless remote control Denis Nicole University of Southampton
Enhancing security architecture frameworks to accommodate the CyBOK KAs for practitioners Duncan Greaves Coventry University
Open source CyBOK practical challenges and learning resources Z. Cliffe Schreuders Leeds Beckett University
Providing an online platform for hierarchical knowledge presentation, visualisation and mapping Eckhard Pfluegel Kingston University
Published PhD theses mapped to CyBOK 1.0 Virginia Franqueira University of Kent
Teaching CyBOK Cyber Physical Systems Security through interactive simulation Phil Legg University of the West of England

Following the positive engagement with this call, we hope to be able to fund a further call in 2021; details will be posted on the website when available.