The Cyber Security Body Of Knowledge
A comprehensive Body of Knowledge to inform and underpin education and professional training for the cyber security sector.
The CyBOK project aims to bring cyber security into line with the more established sciences by distilling knowledge from major internationally-recognised experts to form a Cyber Security Body of Knowledge that will provide much-needed foundations for this emerging topic.
The project, funded by the National Cyber Security Programme, is led by the University of Bristol's Professor Awais Rashid, along with other leading cyber security experts - including Professor Andrew Martin, Professor Steve Schneider, Dr Yulia Cherdantseva and Dr Matilda Rhode.
Issue 1.0 Knowledge Areas (KAs) now released
Following wide community consultation with both academia and industry, key knowledge areas (KAs) have been identified to form the scope of the CyBOK. The Scope document provides an overview of these top-level KAs and the sub-topics that should be covered under each.
We are very pleased to announce the first issue of the Cryptography and Software Security KAs following a period of public consultation. The KAs can be downloaded here:
Download the Cryptography KA here
Download the Software Security KA here
We would like to understand how the CyBOK is being used and its uptake so we request that organisations using, or intending to use, CyBOK for the purpose of education, training, course development, professional development etc. to contact us at to let us know how CyBOK is being used.
Please note that a fully-collated CyBOK document which includes all 19 Knowledge Areas is anticipated to be released by the end of July 2019. It is likely this will include updated page layout and formatting.
CyBOK - the next phase
CyBOK Version 1.1 including all 21 knowledge areas is now available to download. Alongside CyBOK v1.1 there are a variety of resources to support the application and understanding of CyBOK. The focus of the next phase of the project is the dissemination and promotion of CyBOK. We are very interested to hear how CyBOK is being used by the community, so please leave your feedback.
All comments are welcomed
Further KAs will be released for public consultation over the coming months, so watch this space!
Want to know more?
For more information, please email CyBOK project team
Latest News

CyBOK showcase event Tuesday 3 June 2025

Call for further funded projects to develop resources around CyBOK v1.1